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What can one tiny shot do?

Episode XIV: Closer to Done

Neulasta was going to lasta...

It was just one tiny shot, that packed a punch.... the ultimate White Blood Cell Booster!

So, I arrived for my appointment and quickly moved to Short Term Treatment - which really gets you in and out fast! I had choices, so I picked out my chair and wait on the nurse.

Found my chair... ready for my shot please.

The nurse walked over with what appeared to be a small shot and began to explain what I was about to get and why, as well as what to expect. Neulasta, aids in making white blood cells which helps prevent infections while having chemotherapy. So, what was I to expect? Bone pain - check. Bone pain - check. And more bone pain - check. Ok, there were a few more side effects, but I figure at that point who cares!

Neulasta Shot - Learn More click here

So, I gave her a nice cushy part of my left-side tummy and without any pain, I got my tiny but powerful shot...

Neulasta shot.

So, the shot goes deep into the bone marrow and stimulated white blood cell growth. It makes them grow at a more rapid rate to help counter-effect the chemotherapy treatment I had the day before. I was glad the nurse explained that it goes into all the bones. While the larger bones tend to produce more pain, larger bones include the jaw, head, neck, shoulder, chest, back, legs, and essentially it can hurt anywhere. Below is a picture from the Neulasta video showing the effects of white blood cell growth... and it looks like it could possible hurt about everywhere....

Stimulating white blood cells all over in the bones... ok, that might hurt!

As a bonus, the nurse did look at my skin around the port and noticed that my skin was irritated from the bandage glue from the port surgery which had now created an irritation with anything else I put on it. She advised me to leave all bandages off and just let it air dry and heal up.

Seems that the only way to get rid of the bandage rash is to leave the bandages off.

Now, did the shot cause me pain? Of course it did. It didn't happen instantly, but it did happen. Apparently each time I get the shot the effects can be in different places. For me, that time, it started with my head, neck, shoulders area. Even the gentlest touch was wrenching. My hair moving hurt. The pillow caused me pain. My jaw began to hurt to eat. The chest and shoulders made breathing more difficult. Then it worked its way into my hips. Which created more pain when walking, but also sleeping. I would get in one position and begin to hurt, so I would roll to the other side. Then it would hurt and I would try my back. Overall, I rotated like a rotisserie chicken in my sleep like crazy.

It still could have been worse...

I give. My bones hurt.

In my head....

Ouch! That should be all I say, but it does eventually get better.A tip for those who hurt, take some Phenergren and sleep through as much of the pain as you can, it worked way better than pain medicine for me. I got the shot on Wednesday and by Saturday I was able to tolerate a shower and feel human. It took a good solid week to walk without major discomfort. But, I walked anyway... slow and steady. Keep on keeping on!

"He fought because he actually felt safer fighting than running."
- Richard Adams, Watership Down

Episode Reference: Closer to Fine - Indigo Girls song


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