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Last dose of AC!

Episode XXIV: Right here, Right now...

Time to partake in history... my last round of AC Chemo!

I headed into the Cancer Center after lunch to have my last AC Chemo treatment. First I met with the doctor and we discussed symptoms and side effects. Blah! Blah! I have side effects. I try and deal with side effects. Chemo sucks. Let's move on!

Apparently, I have managing these treatments well. I was even complemented on how well I was handling the AC from the doctor. Seems my positive attitude and odd sense of humor was helping me out more than I realized. Focusing on my motto "it could be worse" has made me focus on how lucky I am overall.

Good treatment goals: Try to make at least one person laugh at treatment. Try to have a real honest laugh, myself. Try to learn one new thing about the nurse or person giving me treatment. Try to focus on how treatments were killing cancer, not me. I am still the same me, no matter what side effect tried to knock me down! If anything, I am a wiser more empathetic me... one who has grown stronger and better...

Ready to go for AC Chemo #4

I got my two warm blankets and picked out the #1 seat. If I am going to get my last of these treatments, I might as be in the first chair, right?!?! I had a new nurse who soon found out what a handful I was. I think she used the words "odd", "funny", and "unforgettable" to describe me as a patient. Not necessarily in a positive tone, but eventually I had her laughing and in the palm of my hand in no time at all. Or at least I had her laughing.

As always I was intent on making the experience as fun as possible. Even though I would be back for more treatment, it would hopefully be less daunting then AC. When the nurse asked me what I was getting next, I had no clue. I just show up and get hooked up. My laid back attitude made her smile, but must have worried her as she had to look up my next chemical concoction. My focus was to just moved forward with today, I will deal with that later. I got my normal doses of anti-nausea medicines and my final dose of AC goodies...

Last push of "Red Devil"

Speaking of goodies, I suggested that they give out goody bags to patients inside the cool Chemo bio-hazard bags used on us. Of course, I think I was the first and only person to ask for the bags, but they're cool. I mean how many people can say they actually have something like that. I think it was something to be proud of. I think it was something neat and different. Once the nurse realized I was serious, she actually gave me two bags. I was thrilled!!!

My chemo treatment gift - sweet!

In my head...

Going into treatment was not the thing I wanted to do today, but it was what I needed to do. So, I went in grateful that I had made it that far handling it as well as I had. People there always ask how I stay so upbeat and if I am writing it down. I guess that this blog was for that purpose, I only hope that it could help someone else.

Much Ado about My Soliloquy... 

Just click here if you want to read why I think I am so darn happy!

The happy cancer outlook has made my treatment easier in a lot of ways... it wasn't always easy and sometimes I have to work at it. But usually good things aren't easy and we do have to work for them. Having a positive outlook can make the darkest days a bit brighter!

Of course, each treatment has gotten harder. Each treatment has created more side effects. Each treatment has worn me down. But, I have learned more about internal strength and what character I am made of. I only hope its something that grows and develops... I still have a long road ahead.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” 
- Winston Churchill

Episode Reference: Right Here Right Now, Jesus Jones song


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