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Bundle up... pack up..

Episode CX - You're off to great places

My son (15) is going to Japan with his cousin (14). Yes, you read that correct. Japan. They are going to Japan!

Last Thanksgiving I made some random comment that my son could go with his cousin on his school's winter trip. Of course this was dependent on both high schools agreeing that it was alright. Then they did the unimaginable, they both actually said ok!?!?!

I have lost my mind... Japan...
well... maybe I'm delusional...

The reason I even offered such a grand trip to such a young boy, was from my only "regret". Blah! I really dislike that word... regret... it should be more like "a desire to have done" instead. I have said that if I died my only desire would have been more traveling. Morbid, I know, but if we are putting out wishes I would also desire to have my 20 year old body back, a house with an art studio, and the ability to embarrass my children more than I already have.

I digressed. Basically he got the opportunity of a lifetime. Japan - with his cousin - and without parents. I was slightly jealous and very excited for him. I immediately said go for it! We have spent the past few weeks really preparing for the trip... did I say we... I meant me. I wanted to make sure he had what he needed and then a few things extra because he was going to be off on his own. Food!!!

I wondered if the school would notice if I tried to play off as a student so I can go too. I do not think they will fall for it!

The boys headed off on their adventure...

I asked very little questions trusting the chaperon's experience and he took off on his adventure. I have learned over the years to not really worry when he travels, especially on a school trip. The minute he walked away I had no say. I had no input on his choices. I would just have to hope that he makes careful, thoughtful choices. Wait... he is a 15 year old boy... what was I thinking?

The boys were safely on their way. Since I was in my hometown, my daughter and I decided to stay and visit with my family. Plus we were getting ready for a big winter storm. By big, I mean big for our standards. Any time we have more than a dusting the whole area shuts down like a blizzard is coming. Even with the forecast of potential snow the people go crazy and buy all the bread and milk.

The snow did fall. The 6-9 inches of snow was like a blizzard. It was actually enough to build a real snowman and not those little tiny mini-snowmen that we normally make. However, I must admit our snowman was so sad that it was too embarrassing to post. I am not even sure I got a picture of it... it was that sad.

It was fun being at home with my parents and my daughter for the winter weather. Not only was it fun to play with them, it was even more fun to watch them play with my daughter. Plus, they saved me all the hard work of physically playing outside in the cold. The only person who was pretty much not having fun was my husband who was home alone trying to get to work despite the weather.

Me with my snow buddies (aka parents and daughter)...

In my head...

No doctors appointments. Just a break to visit with my family for a few days. Time to play. I did learn that the cold was brutal on my body. When I took my daughter sledding at the local golf course and sat outside watching for hours, I hurt. I hurt in new ways. My facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, went crazy... and it lasted for days after it started. It was like I got chilled to the nerve.

Despite the cold, it was nice to just take a full week off of the insanity of doctors and scans and tests and medical oddities in my life. While it was no week in Japan, it was still a break... and I did not have to endure the excessively long travel time.

Episode Reference: Oh, the Places You'll Go, Dr Seuss book


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