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A Wanting World

The world seems off. The world seems off, and I am realizing how cancer has taught me something the world is missing.

Throughout my cancer, I believe my focus has been on finding humor and joy in living. I have spent my time writing on ways to love life despite the cancerous black cloud looming around my body. I have wanted to share my twisted sense of humor in the hopes of inspiring others to possibly do the same.

Cancer is a horrible terrible bad thing. It is something that often makes finding a positive hard. Yet, there are so many people who have found good things despite (and possibly because of) cancer. People who have learned lessons, including the meaning of appreciating life.

The world seems off, yet, we (the cancerous) seem to have knowledge they are missing. The value of life. The appreciation of living. The fact that all the small things do not matter. The fact that we are all trying to love, live peacefully, and be healthy... and that we want that for others too!

Cancer does not discriminate. It affects all races, religions, genders, and socioeconomic statuses. It does not care what you believe or what you look like. Cancer is a monstrous evil that can happen to anyone. Cancer likes to consume all aspects of your life. It affects your health, your finances, your beliefs.

Those with cancer know the reality of how cancer seeps into every aspect of your life... often ripping your world apart.

We have learned the need for accessing quality health care. We have learned the struggles of affording health care and prescription coverage. We face the cost of surviving with each bill that arrives. We have faced the realization of our death. We have lost homes, spouses, and jobs. We have lost those we love.

And we have countered all those losses. We have gained friends. We have dealt with fear and loss. We have struggled with quality of life. We have learned the value of health. We have loved more passionately. We have found hope and strength because we had no other choice.

The world seems off, and I am waiting for it to catch up. I want others to figure out something I already learned... it is about a bigger picture. The fight to end cancer is not just about our own individual struggles, but for the future. For our kids and their kids. It is for people we do not know, strangers of all races, genders, or any-lifetag-you-want-here. It is knowing we do not want anyone to endure what we have.

There is a saying, "You'll never understand until it happens to you." While there is truth in that statement, there is also a cop-out. Sure, my cancer experience (while important to me and my family) is mine. However, I know there are countless others going through something similar. I know they understand. I know that in the future, countless others will go through something similar. They will understand too. Does that excuse everyone else from understanding?

Having empathy, having the ability to try and understand is important in bettering the future. Being unemphatic is an excuse, it is a justification for not taking action. I see so many people with cancer making a difference, trying to change policies, raising money, and fighting for a cure. They are spending their lives, or what is remaining of their lives, impacting others. They are sharing their life and their struggles... allowing strangers to peer into their life to make a difference. Nothing is hidden.

They are using their voices to make change. They want for others what they themselves want, the ability to live life. They are sharing themselves at one of their worst times so that cancer has a face... that when people are making policies they can see those they affect. That when people are using as test-dummies that they realize our humanity. That when you read this you realize I am just an average female chilling in my home fussing at kids and behind on laundry.

The world seems off, and it needs to change. If you take away all the things that the world seems to be focusing on, it really comes down to love. It is about having the opportunity and respect to love life, love others, and be loved in return. We are all wanting, and we are wanting similar things. Hopefully, we are not consumed by our own wants that we miss the bigger picture.

I have found some of the most wonderful people in the cancer community. Some of the most genuinely kind and grateful people. They believe differently, look differently, and live differently. Yet, they are all people who want to live. People who want to love. People who want to laugh. People who want.

We are a world of wanters... we all want. In the end, we all want to chance to live our lives the best we can. So, let's all work together so we can do just that!


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