So, it is my third week on chemo and it seemed like the perfect time to bring my daughter. It is early enough in treatment that I am not feeling as bad as I know I will. I know chemo treatment is cumulative, and I will feel worse as I go along. Plus, the Urologist gave me a copy of my CT results a few days ago. They didn't say anything and the Oncology group hasn't called me to say I have a problem. So, I'm going with the "no news if good news" theory.
I have warned my daughter multiple times about how boring going to treatment is... now she is about to find out what a boring long day of medical crap looks like. I warned her.
I should have known it would be one of those days, since I was scheduled for an afternoon appointment. Treatment generally takes me at least 5 hours... so this seems like a bad scheduling issues before we even start. After getting my labs done and before treatment, I had a quick stop with the Nurse Practitioner (NP). I let her know some of my main issues: some shortness of breath (especially while walking), nerve issues, balance issues, exhaustion, and some general I feel like I am on chemo side effects. I expected to hear the general - yep, it sucks to be you response. Instead, she lets me know there was actually some issues found on my CT scan from 10/5. The CT showed the fluid around my left lung and heart looked suspicious.At this point, I have an "oh, crap... I brought my kid to an appointment where she is going to hear more concerning news." And I had. The fluid around the left lung and heart could be my cancer has spread. I guess I was thinking the fluid wasn't cancer related, and more an issue from when the doctor did the failed port attempt. I really had thought maybe it was damage from that, especially since the fluid/breathing issues had been gradually getting worse for a few weeks prior to any cancer treatment. I think that was also concerning to them - this is not something that started when I got on treatment. It was starting prior. Of course, if it gets better then there will be the concern that it validates the possibility it was cancerous since it improved with chemo.When I asked the NP about doing a biopsy, she said that it would be too risky to do a biopsy as it would likely collapse my lung. Well that doesn't sound promising! Plus, I don't know when I could get in to do a biopsy or if I should risk the possibility of them collapsing my lung since I am headed to MD Anderson next week.
Unfortunately, I did not think about it at the time, but I am upset and not sure why they waited this long to tell me. They could have called me with the results or told me that I needed an earlier appointment. Waiting almost two weeks is really bad on their part. I could have had the biopsy during this time... and at least I would know if it is Stage 4 or not. Now, I will not really know and will have to be extra diligent about my health after I finish this treatment. I am actually really disappointed about this... but at the time, I didn't think to complain or ask about this. Honestly, I was more shocked and worried about my daughter and her reaction to hearing this.Later, I spent all week trying to get MD Anderson to schedule a biopsy of that fluid, but no one there responded to my calls or concerns regarding this. It is hard since I am not established with the doctors yet. I am very upset and frustrated at the entire situation, but there is only so much I can do.
Back to Daughter Chemo Day! One good thing, is I have a great relationship with my daughter. And she is used to these unexpected medical new/situations happening. So, it would take a lot to surprise her at this point (well, that goes for either of my kids or husband too). We put the semi-bad-news or news-that-isn't-news-news aside and spent time hanging out.

Art Journal Entries for In Treatment Chemo #3 & Week 3

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